Keyword Album: darwinism
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 4 items
Survival of the Fittest
Date: 11/22/2021
Views: 7951
Keywords: Darwinism, crocodile, alligator, nature, food, animal, . survival, COP26, climate change, carbon, coal, shark, moving, diet, calories, bird, migrate, winter, car
Too Fit Not to Acquit
Date: 12/08/2014
Views: 8448
Keywords: police brutality, NYC, NYPD, Eric Garner health, obesity, weight, fat, chokehold, BMI, body mass index, asthma, lungs, Darwinism, jelly belly, overweight, wimp, flab
Date: 07/05/2012
Views: 11190
Keywords: Sacramento Bee, local cartoon, California, banks, banky, shark, predatory lending, occupy wall street, bank reform, social darwinism, nature special, wild kingdom
The Eugenics of Smoking
Date: 05/10/1997
Views: 15471
Keywords: food and drug administration, fda, tobacco, regulations, drug, smoking, cigarettes, ban, cancer, tongue lesions, birds, planes, iq test, darwinism, idiots