Keyword Album: generals
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 17 items
No Place for Violence
Date: 01/15/2011
Views: 10958
Keywords: Obama, War on Terror, Afghanistan, Iraq, Generals, Militarism, Bombs, Preadtor Drone Planes, Burning Buildings, Map Room, Violence, Brutality, Aggression, Gabrielle Giffords, Tucson Shooting Spree
Honor Our Future Martyrs
Date: 12/27/2010
Views: 10946
Keywords: War on Terror, Militarism, Afghanistan, Withdrawal, Drawdown, Generals, Insult, Future Deaths, Logic, Uniforms, Armed Forces, Troops, Taliban
While You Were Fighting in Afghanistan
Date: 08/29/2009
Views: 9793
Keywords: Mission Accomplished, LBJ, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Vietnam War, Afghanistan, Mosque, Barack Obama, Gun, Long Time From Now, U.S. Collapse, War on Terror, Generals, Militarism, Balloons
August 1945
Date: 07/29/1995
Views: 10665
Military Strategy for a New Millennium
Date: 07/21/1997
Views: 13586
Iraqi Benchmarks for Success
Date: 10/27/2006
Views: 13356
Keywords: Iraq, War, Terror, War on Terror, Terrorism, War on Terrorism, Benchmarks, Failure, Success, Metrics, Rumsfeld, Department of Defense, Generals, Military, Months, Years, Rocks, Attacks, Insurgents, Marriages, Gay Marriage, Gravity, Death Rate, Birth Rate
The Next Threat
Date: 02/12/2008
Views: 13232
Keywords: Military, Preparedness, Iraq, War, Troops, Forces, Equipment, Training, Soundtrack, Islam, English, Al Qaeda, WMDs, Generals, Diplomacy, Clash, Judeo-Christian Street, Arab Street
You Killed My Kid
Date: 08/13/2007
Views: 12706
Keywords: Iraq, War, Terror, Terrorism, Kid, Killed, Soldiers, Troops, Military, Congress, Generals, Pentagon, Media, Fearmongering, President, Press