Keyword Album: 000
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 45 items
I'll Take That for Five Dollars
Date: 10/28/2013
Views: 14580
Keywords: Reuters, Afghanistan, voter cards, corruption, warlords, unemployment, foreclosures, banks, drone attacks, al-Awlaki, Yemen, Al Gore, Democrats, 2000 presidential recount, Bush v. Gore, democracy, elections
The Million Dollar Men
Date: 11/21/2009
Views: 9701
Keywords: Afghanistan, Iraq, War on Terrorism, Military Expenditures, $1, 000, 000 per soldier, Barack Obama, Unemployment, Generous, Crazy, Calm
O.J. for President
Date: 10/23/1995
Views: 9171
The Leader of the American Resistance
Date: 06/25/2009
Views: 16138
Keywords: Al Gore, 2000 Election Dispute, Bush v. Gore, Florida Recount, Overseas, Iran, Mousavi, Solar Cell, Newspapers, Swimming Pool, Lounge Chair, Apathy, Waiter, Yard, House
Not for Long
Date: 03/04/2009
Views: 17016
Keywords: Economy, Taxes, Wealthy, Rich, Class Warfare, Recession, Depression, $250K, $250, 000, Newspapers, Skyline, Suicide, Not for Long, Progressive Taxes, Barack Obama
The Bland of the Twee and the Craven
Date: 12/17/1998
Views: 14001
Keywords: bill clinton, monica lewinsky scandal, impeachment, perjury, billy bob thornton, unified sugar trust, fear, al gore, 2000 campaign, economy, war, subway
Millennium Memorial Monolith
Date: 11/21/1999
Views: 6381
The Best Republican Ever
Date: 09/03/2001
Views: 10510
The Making of the Resident - 2001
Date: 09/29/2001
Views: 12273