Keyword Album: corporations
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 174 items
The Past Is So Bright, I Have To Wear Shades
Date: 06/21/1996
Views: 18448
Keywords: prince, pop culture, music, film, candlestick park, san francisco, corporate sponsorship, soviet union, primerica, international harvester, corporations, ex-wife, ex-boyfriend, burma, myamnar, past, future, subway
New Fish
Date: 03/02/1996
Views: 19348
Keywords: crime and punishment, white-collar crime, securities fraud, corporations, bankers, moron, pros, diseases, injuries, warden, parole board, class war, wusses
God, Middle Manager
Date: 03/18/1996
Views: 20411
Keywords: wasteland, religion, christianity, water cooler, lights, office equipment, computers, corporate park, animals, plants, employees, prosperity, layoffs, downsizing, firing, seventh day, sabbath, corporations
Extremism Is No Vice, Mostly
Date: 02/29/1996
Views: 16501
Keywords: pat buchanan, abortion, republicans, immigration, border fence, parrots, homosexuality, gay rights, corporations, populism, extremist
Running Government Like a Business
Date: 02/24/1996
Views: 11272
Where's the Love?
Date: 12/21/1996
Views: 7774
Where Did I Go Wrong?
Date: 11/02/1996
Views: 14034
Keywords: Children, Careers, Workplace, Parenthood, Peer Pressure, Arts, Corporations, Straight Jobs, Artist, Writer, Liberal Arts, Poetry, Working for the Man, Lisbon, Ethics
Political Activism in the '90s
Date: 10/24/1996
Views: 9962
Equal Opportunity Can Be Fun
Date: 10/19/1996
Views: 10598