Keyword Album: downsizing
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 35 items
The CEO at Home
Date: 07/11/1996
Views: 17413
Keywords: j church, parenthood, children, fatherhood, living, lean and mean, divorce, secretary, downsizing, food, hungry, profitability, budget cuts
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Thinking
Date: 06/08/1996
Views: 15344
Keywords: aerospace, corporations, downsizing, employmenty, division, loss, accountants, fire them, morale business school, management, firing
What Have Met Wall St. & It Is Us
Date: 06/01/1996
Views: 14889
Workplace Excuses of the '90s
Date: 05/25/1996
Views: 15828
Keywords: internet, web-surfing, carpal tunnel syndrome, brain, voredom, boredom, working late, tardiness, laid off, unemployment, layoffs, downsizing
God, Middle Manager
Date: 03/18/1996
Views: 20411
Keywords: wasteland, religion, christianity, water cooler, lights, office equipment, computers, corporate park, animals, plants, employees, prosperity, layoffs, downsizing, firing, seventh day, sabbath, corporations
Something for Nothing
Date: 02/28/1996
Views: 18000
Keywords: layoffs, recession, business, downsizing, employees, staffers, overtime, benefits, emancipation proclamation, slavery, lobbying, globalization, free trade, china
Date: 02/01/1996
Views: 14062
Downsizing the Graybar Hotel
Date: 12/28/1996
Views: 12036
Keywords: Graybar Hotel, Downsizing, Prisons, Jail, Crime and Punishment, Law and Order, Television, Luxury, Tough, Library, Cells, Rent, Cruel and Unusual
A Union is Reborn!
Date: 11/30/1996
Views: 11710
Keywords: Labor Unions, Workplace, Employment, Local 23, IBWCRC, NAFTA, Free Trade, Scab Labors, Team Concept, Layoffs, Downsizing, Management