Stairway to Copyright Infringement Heaven
Date: 04/20/2016
Views: 8231
Keywords: Led Zeppelin, Taurus, Spirit, rock music, Stairway to Heaven, copyright infringement, trial, Bernie Sanders, 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, banks, Donovan
Death Is Like a Forced Analogy
Date: 07/15/1996
Views: 17106
Keywords: p.j. o'rourke, evlis costello, green day, journalism, punk rock, stray cats, bob dole, lawrence welk, gerry ford, indiana, ohio, new jersey, new york, nissan altima, ford taurus, states, cars, buick electra, 57th street, manhattan, suburban strip mall, co
This Is Your Life
Date: 11/10/1997
Views: 14304
Keywords: age, childhood, youth, burger joint, underemployment, big break, taurus, ford, christianity, suckas, prison, comeback, elder statesman, old age