Keyword Album: Guant
Date: 03/14/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 133 items
The Asterisk President
Date: 06/14/2009
Views: 17672
Keywords: Iraq, Troops, Afghanistan, Support Troops, Narrative, Barack Obama, Guantanamo, Gitmo, Detainees, Torture, Bagram, Prolonged Detention, Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, Habeas Corpus, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights
Nation of Criminals
Date: 06/08/2009
Views: 13097
Keywords: War on Terrorism, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Detainees, Release, Prison, Escapes, Prisoners, Subway, Criminals, Crime and Punishment
Liberal Projection
Date: 05/21/2009
Views: 14695
Keywords: Psychology, Dermocrats, projection, Liberalism, Barack Obama, Monster, Cafe, Detainees, Guantanamo, Torture, Military Tribunals, Wiretapping, Gitmo
Same Old, Feels Great
Date: 05/09/2009
Views: 13487
A Terrible Reckoning
Date: 04/30/2009
Views: 13975
Keywords: Torture, War Crimes, George W. Bush, Gitmo, Guant?namo, Abu Ghraib, Human Rights, Detainees, Truth Commission, Prosecution, Bipartisan
Goldlocks the Torturer
Date: 04/24/2009
Views: 13238
Keywords: Torture, Waterboarding, Torture Memos, Legal Opinions, Graf Zeppelin, Graf Zepellin, Guantanamo, Gills, Snotty, Crack, Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Mason, Interrogation, Al Qaeda, War on Terror, Human Rights
American Heroes
Date: 04/18/2009
Views: 25022
Keywords: Heroism, 9/11, Heroes, CD Stores, Music, Royalties, Digital, Internet, Stores, Coworkers, Employment, Layoffs, Economy, Recession, Depression, Crawford, Bush, Obama, Traitor, Bagram, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Care, Gay Rights, Gay Marriage
Reforming the Torture Industry
Date: 04/02/2009
Views: 23038
Keywords: Torture, GM, General Motors, Barack Obama, Chairman, Corporations, Bailouts, Depression, Recession, Economy, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Diego Garcia, Uzbekistan, Foreign Competition, Free Trade, Globalization, Waterboarding, Gitmo, International Asso
New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Date: 03/03/2009
Views: 24445
Keywords: Adolf Hitler, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bush Administration, Investigations, Prosecution, War Crimes, Prison, Nazism, Auschwitz, Inmates, Guantanamo, Detainees, Domestic Surveillance, Wiretapping, Police State, Privacy Rights, New Boss, Fuhrer, Tortur