Keyword Album: Afghanistan
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 317 items
The Asterisk President
Date: 06/14/2009
Views: 17895
Keywords: Iraq, Troops, Afghanistan, Support Troops, Narrative, Barack Obama, Guantanamo, Gitmo, Detainees, Torture, Bagram, Prolonged Detention, Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, Habeas Corpus, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights
Date: 06/06/2009
Views: 21123
Keywords: Patience, Barack Obama, Liberal Projection, Liberalism, Democrats, War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Predator, Hellfire, Corruption, Wall Street, Financial Crisis, Homelessness, Poverty, Torture, Waterboarding, Car Bomb
You've Come a Long Way, Baby
Date: 05/11/2009
Views: 15287
Keywords: Afghanistan, Sex law, Four days, Taliban, Rapists, Human Rights, Gender Issues, Women's Rights, Rape, Hos, Put Out, Pulling Pud, Dowry, Barack Obama, Hamid Karzai, Afghan Dudes
Why Obama Won't Release the Torture Photos
Date: 05/25/2009
Views: 14259
Keywords: Iraq, Afghanistan, War on Terrorism, Military, Troops, Torture, Photographs, ACLU, Infant Jesus, Boo-Boo, Occupier, Fingernails, Kabul, Prison, Style
Hearts and Minds
Date: 04/04/2009
Views: 13980
Keywords: Predator Drone Planes, Hellfire Missiles, Remote Control, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Surge, Afghanistan, Obama, No Face, Explode, Wedding Party, Bombs
Heroes of the Afghan War
Date: 03/06/2009
Views: 22766
Keywords: War, Veterans, Soldiers, Afghanistan, Afghan, CIA, Hellfire Missiles, Predator Drone Planes, IMac, Langley, Wedding Parties, Bombs, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Beer Cans, Computers, Technology, Warfare, Victory, Towelheads, Evildoers
Afghan Love
Date: 02/23/2009
Views: 20096
Keywords: City Hall, Love and Romance, Afghanistan, Marriage, Weddings, Guns, Hellfire Missiles, Predator Drone Planes, USAF, Air Force, Bombings, Romeo and Juliet, Small Wedding, Underground, Food, Band, AK-47
Sorry, Sir, Your Seat Has Been Taken
Date: 02/01/2009
Views: 13655
Keywords: liberals, lefties, protesters, kooks, wars, iraq, afghanistan, obama, conservatives, ideologu, ideology, table centrist, fasionable, punditry, rainbow
Re-Invade Afghanistan!
Date: 02/07/2009
Views: 19518
Keywords: Osama bin Laden, war on terrorism, Barack Obama, Afghanistan, government officials, south asia, central asia, crusade, protect, security, stonings, cultural events, talidrome, overpopulation, wedding party, carbon footprint, environmentalism, heroin, drug