Keyword Album: over
Date: 03/13/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 538 items
Guide to Working Class Investing
Date: 10/02/1995
Views: 12830
Keywords: Stock Market, Synergy, Fat White Men with Pink Skin, 401(k), Investing, Detergent, Family Size, Super Size, Cash Advance, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Windfall Profits, Classism, Class Warfare, Poverty
Things Changed
Date: 01/26/1995
Views: 11320
Keywords: Human Evolution, Anthropology, Archeology, Volcano, Hominids, Africa, Australopithecus, Campire, Socialization, Social Contract, Civilizaion, Things Changed, Class War, Povery, Homelessness
Date: 01/23/1995
Views: 15810
Keywords: Renaissance Faire, Civil War Battle Reenactments, History, Geeks, My Lai Massacre, Vietnam War, Militarism, Colonialism, Indian Genocide, Nagasaki, Nuclear War, Native Americans, Homelessness, Poverty, Class War
Stretch Limousine
Date: 01/21/1995
Views: 10579
The Leader of the American Resistance
Date: 06/25/2009
Views: 15926
Keywords: Al Gore, 2000 Election Dispute, Bush v. Gore, Florida Recount, Overseas, Iran, Mousavi, Solar Cell, Newspapers, Swimming Pool, Lounge Chair, Apathy, Waiter, Yard, House
Date: 06/20/2009
Views: 16474
Keywords: Economic Collapse, Recession, Depression, Government Assistance, Help, Nancy and Ken Berman, Centerville, Ohio, Cincinnati, Crips, Gangs, Cutting Lawn, Suicide, Ledge, Existed, Barack Obama, Recovery Plan, Katrina, Relief Check, Econoburst
Obamaman Rescues Healthcare
Date: 06/22/2009
Views: 12379
Keywords: Healthcare, Barack Obama, Obamaman, Mitigates Disaster, Doctor, Sick Woman, Park, Public Option, Insurance, Coverage, Fuck You, Bureaucratic Placebo
If Iranians Were Like Us
Date: 06/18/2009
Views: 12809
Keywords: Iran, Elections, Fraud, Theft, Ahmadinejad, Television, Teahouse, Guy Lost, Tackily, Pre-9/11, Pre-6/14, Get Over It, Move On, Slightly Annoyed
Date: 06/06/2009
Views: 20851
Keywords: Patience, Barack Obama, Liberal Projection, Liberalism, Democrats, War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Predator, Hellfire, Corruption, Wall Street, Financial Crisis, Homelessness, Poverty, Torture, Waterboarding, Car Bomb