Keyword Album: w
Date: 01/22/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4510 items
Life Exchange
Date: 01/12/1995
Views: 9892
Keywords: Death, Cemetery, Nina, Jason, Mourning, Corrupt and Banal, Technology, Deregulation, Worthless Scum, Life Bank Exchange, Bob Dole, Buddy Holly, Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain
What Happens
Date: 08/15/2009
Views: 12884
Keywords: Prisoner, Jail, Crime and Punishment, War Crimes, Iraq, Afghanistan, War, War on Terrorism, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Murder a Million Someones
iFart Nation
Date: 08/10/2009
Views: 12605
Keywords: Recession, Economy, Trash Culture, Popular Culture, Fart, Flattulence, Scatalogical, iFart, Billionth Download, Shooting Babies, Stupidity, Ignorance
Let the Re-Rebuilding Begin
Date: 08/08/2009
Views: 12598
Keywords: Economy, Layoffs, Unemployment, Uneremployment, Recession, Depression, Reincarnation, Pre-fired, Conglotox, PetroChem, Rebuilding Begins, New Job, Linda Waters
Balance Sheets in Space
Date: 08/04/2009
Views: 14959
Keywords: Recession, Employers, Depression, Unemployment, Conglomco, Layoffs, Downsizing, Corporations, 200%, One Job to Give for my country, Twitter Account, NYSE, Loopholes in Labor Law, Cost-Cutting
Wimpy Harry
Date: 07/31/2009
Views: 15030
Keywords: Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry, Cops, Policemen, Mama, Snotty Remarks, Crybabies, Police Brutality, Racism, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Professor Henry Louis Gates, Harvard University, Professor, Psychologist
Date: 07/27/2009
Views: 13583
Keywords: Furry, Furries, Fandom, Subcultures, Sexuality, Perversions, Anthropomorphism, Animals, Tigers, Planties, Meow, Conventions, Lifestyle, Anther, Pollen, Filament, Rhizoid, Asexuality, Spores, Greeny, Fungies, Herbsecutors, Future, Trends
Not One Air Molecule
Date: 07/25/2009
Views: 14730
Keywords: France, Labor Management Relations, Workplace, Layoffs, Recession, Social Unrest, Depression, Factory Workers, Hostage, Bossnapping, Boss-napping, Air Molecule, Ass, Apathy
Blend the Stimulus
Date: 07/23/2009
Views: 15830
Keywords: Barack Obama, Bailouts, Stimulus Package, Economy, Torture, Human Rights, Civil Liberties, Die, Death is Bad, Congress, Fear-Mongering, Fall TV, Legislation, Wasting Time, Domestic Surveillance