Keyword Album: War
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1315 items
Why They Hate Us
Date: 04/20/2007
Views: 9196
Keywords: Virginia Tech, Massacre, Iraq, Violence, War, Hypocrisy, Value of Lives, News, Media, Hate, Gun Control
Safety is Relative
Date: 04/22/2007
Views: 6491
Rainbow of Hatred
Date: 03/27/2007
Views: 19767
Keywords: Blacks, Women, Lawyers, Hate, Hatred, Democrats, DNC, Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Primaries, 2008, Presidential, Campaign, Presidency, Bigotry
$12 Billion Lost in Iraq
Date: 03/23/2007
Views: 11504
Keywords: Paul Bremer, CPA, Coalition Provisional Authority, Iraq, Occupation, Oil for Food, War, War on Terror, Terrorism, Graft, Military, Theft, Loot, Raytheon, Bombs
Outsource War
Date: 03/19/2007
Views: 13830
Keywords: Outsourcing, WTO, Free Trade, War, Globalization, Race to the Bottom, GATT, NAFTA, India, Bangalore, Afghanistan, Iraq, Cost Cutting, Osama bin Laden, Bush
Spy Lotto
Date: 03/15/2007
Views: 13826
Keywords: Spy, Lotto, Lottery, NSA, National Security Agency, President, Prison, Mr. Night Manager, Roommate, Domestic Surveillance, Warrantless Wiretapping, Wiretaps, Bugs, Threesome, Girlfriend
Date: 02/16/2007
Views: 19760
Keywords: Troops, Support the Troops, Military, Militarism, Wars, War, Iraq, Afghanistan, War on Terror, Sacred Cows, Free Speech, First Amendment, Insult, Insulting, Thailand, Ataturk, Turkey, Prison, Jail, Austria, Flag, Nationalism, Anthem
Don't Mess with the U.S.
Date: 02/19/2007
Views: 15687
Keywords: Iran, Iraq, Meddling, Weapons, IEDs, Bush, Hypocrisy, War, Terror, Terrorism, War on Terror, War on Terrorism, Uranium, Internal Affairs, Troop, Troops, Surge, AK-47s, Machine Guns, Pistols
Hillary's Inner Peacechild
Date: 02/23/2007
Views: 10981
Keywords: Hillary, Clinton, Iraq, Vote, Senate, Apology, Do-Over, Polls, Peace, Iraqis, Troops, Yes, War, Resolution