Keyword Album: Religious
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 16 items
Everyone Could See the US Would Collapse
Date: 08/27/2021
Views: 8286
In Some Weird Countries, Elections Depend Entirely on Religious Fanatics
Date: 01/01/2020
Views: 7939
Keywords: Religion, Christian evangelist, Christianity today, Christian post, Koran, Islam, Afghanistan, elections, religious fanaticism, warring factions, impeachment, word of God, Bible, sanity, atheism
Date: 05/04/2017
Views: 8307
Grabbing Fascism by the Pussy
Date: 10/13/2016
Views: 8997
Keywords: Donald Trump, grab, pussy, 2016 presidential election, Nazis, and off Hitler, media, press, violence, religious man, Islamophobia, 1933, storm troopers, open microphone, access Hollywood
Don't Ask, Don't Tell 2.0
Date: 04/03/2015
Views: 10693
Keywords: religious freedom laws, Indiana, Arkansas, Governor Mike Pence, Republicans, discrimination, gay rights, LGBTQ rights, neanderthal, Jeb Bush, John Ellis Bush Bush, Bill Clinton, don't ask, don't tell, boycott
We, the Corporations
Date: 07/03/2014
Views: 8703
Keywords: corporations, Citizens United, Supreme Court, corruption, campaign finance reform, financing, politics, personhood, religious beliefs, Hobby Lobby, birth control, contraceptives, people
Let's Amend the Constitution!
Date: 04/24/1995
Views: 12254
Keywords: Newt Gingrich, Republican Revolution, Healthcare, Constitutional Amendment, School Prayer, Flag Burning, Wages, Equal Rights Amendment, Women', Women's Rights, Religious Junk Mail
NEA Application
Date: 03/29/1995
Views: 9830
Date: 11/06/1995
Views: 7179