Keyword Album: Car
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1198 items
Too Late
Date: 08/28/1995
Views: 12853
Keywords: Animal Rights, Homelessness, Bad Habits, Alcholism, Drug Abuse, Education, Children, Baby, Prenatal Care, Healthcare, Fetus, Genetic Flaws, Parents, Future
Jerry Garcia, RIP
Date: 08/26/1995
Views: 7703
Balanced Budget
Date: 05/25/1995
Views: 9328
It's the Stink
Date: 05/15/1995
Views: 8996
Date: 04/06/1995
Views: 11174
Keywords: Sid and Nancy, Francois Truffaut, Guantemala, Ohio, Rain, Weather, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Criticism, Jack Kemp, Restaurant, Muic, Music, Buzzcocks, Phil SPector, Austin, Analogy, Original Thought
Who Are We Kidding?
Date: 04/27/1995
Views: 13445
Keywords: Children's Rights, Kids, Starve, Ball Off My Lawn, Lungs, Married, Healthcare, Minimum Wage, Abuse, Tooth Fairy, Daycare, Social Security, Oklahoma City Bombing, Timothy McVeigh
Let's Amend the Constitution!
Date: 04/24/1995
Views: 13062
Keywords: Newt Gingrich, Republican Revolution, Healthcare, Constitutional Amendment, School Prayer, Flag Burning, Wages, Equal Rights Amendment, Women', Women's Rights, Religious Junk Mail
Accountancy Gone Mad
Date: 03/05/1995
Views: 14404
Keywords: Balanced Budget, Government, Deficit, Household Budget, Car, Automobile Loan, College, Student Loan, Homeless, Mortgage, Entertainment, Clothes, Vacations, 3 Jobs, Shoot Myself\, Suicide, Funeral Bill
More is Less
Date: 03/27/1995
Views: 11857
Keywords: Olympics, Athletics, Weightlifter, Sports, Writer, Resume, Nobel Prize, Literature, Politics, President, Cartoonist, Cartooning, Quality, Newspapers