Keyword Album: Homeless
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 152 items
Accountancy Gone Mad
Date: 03/05/1995
Views: 14408
Keywords: Balanced Budget, Government, Deficit, Household Budget, Car, Automobile Loan, College, Student Loan, Homeless, Mortgage, Entertainment, Clothes, Vacations, 3 Jobs, Shoot Myself\, Suicide, Funeral Bill
Neimoller Redux
Date: 03/23/1995
Views: 13335
Keywords: Race, Blacks, Racism, Illegal Immigrants, Bigotry, Discrimination, Human Rights, Gay Rights, HIV Quarantine, Drug Users, Homelessness, Came for me, Fascism
Homeless States of America
Date: 03/13/1995
Views: 12614
Keywords: Newspapers, Poverty, HSA, Homeless States of America, Currency, Nationhood, Secession, 10 million, Homeland, Independence, Country, Vote, Stamps, Government, California, Kansas, Two States
Conservative Humor
Date: 12/11/1995
Views: 8814
Date: 10/05/1995
Views: 9621
Things Changed
Date: 01/26/1995
Views: 11433
Keywords: Human Evolution, Anthropology, Archeology, Volcano, Hominids, Africa, Australopithecus, Campire, Socialization, Social Contract, Civilizaion, Things Changed, Class War, Povery, Homelessness
Date: 01/23/1995
Views: 15951
Keywords: Renaissance Faire, Civil War Battle Reenactments, History, Geeks, My Lai Massacre, Vietnam War, Militarism, Colonialism, Indian Genocide, Nagasaki, Nuclear War, Native Americans, Homelessness, Poverty, Class War
Date: 06/06/2009
Views: 21130
Keywords: Patience, Barack Obama, Liberal Projection, Liberalism, Democrats, War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Predator, Hellfire, Corruption, Wall Street, Financial Crisis, Homelessness, Poverty, Torture, Waterboarding, Car Bomb
Turning the Tables Around
Date: 05/30/2009
Views: 18179
Keywords: Corporations, Turnabout, Individuals, Mortgages, Banks, Market Conditions, Recession, Depression, Credit Cards, Interest Rates, Late Fees, Healthcare Premiums, Insurance Companies, Denying Your Claim, Manhood, Pride, Homelessness, Povberty, Revel