Keyword Album: Minority
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 9 items
I've Always Wanted to Be Oppressed By Someone Who Looks Like Me
Date: 11/28/2018
Views: 12866
Keywords: Populism, minority, 2018 midterm elections, Congress, identity politics, LGBT, gays, lesbians, women, feminism, lobbyists, corruption, militarism, war
Progressives Should Know That Democrats Have No Intention of Impeaching President Trump If They Win Back Congress
Date: 04/02/2018
Views: 11050
Keywords: 2018 midterm elections, congress House of Representatives, Senate, Nancy Pelosi Joe Manchin, West Virginia, house minority leader, impeachment, Donald Trump, impeach Trump, 2020 presidential election, reelection, Democratic Party, Democrats
Date: 06/04/2013
Views: 6942
Date: 12/07/2010
Views: 15964
Keywords: Latinos, Hispanics, Ethnic Groups, Minority Groups, Racial Issues, Demographics, Arizona, Immigrants, Undocumented Workers, Police, Illegal Immigrants, Spanish, GOP, Prop 666, Proposition, Ballot Initiative
How Ethnic Cleansing Works Here
Date: 07/27/1995
Views: 8764
Keywords: Men, Minority, Arrests, Women, Children, Squalid Ghettos, Rentals, Gentrification, Racism, Redlining, Real Estate
Pencil-Necked Libertarian Worm
Date: 10/27/1997
Views: 11481
Random Impulses
Date: 06/03/2000
Views: 9576
Fear of a Latino Planet
Date: 01/20/2000
Views: 12234
Hey Nation States!
Date: 12/19/2006
Views: 10827
Keywords: Proxy, Civil War, War, Iraq, Kurds, Shias, Sunnis, Shia, Sunni, Cut and Run, Arms Race, Weapons, AK-47, Minority, Partition, Majority, RPGs, Ethnic Cleansing, Nation States