The Obamabot
Date: 11/10/2009
Views: 10499
Keywords: Unemployment, Chicago, Afghanistan, Obama, Vogue, Rahm Emmanuel, Banks, Bank of America, CIT, The New York Times, David Axelrod, MoveOn.org, Citicorp, NYSE, Wall Street, Main Street, Osama bin Laden, Pakistan
Earn Extra Cash Now...the Easy Way
Date: 09/11/1995
Views: 10647
Keywords: Corporate Sponsorships, Renaming, Sports Stadiums, Public Places, Big Money, Citicorp, Monsanto, Dan Xerox, Personal Sponsorship, Change Name, Primerica, Wesley, Lockheeds
99 Cent Store
Date: 12/08/2008
Views: 12119
Keywords: Deflation, Economy, Depression, Recession, 99 cents, 99 cent, Store, Real Estate, Automakers, General Motors, GM, Chrysler, Ford, Ford Motor, Hummer, SUV, SUVs, Citibank, Citicorp, Citigroup, Iraq, Paper Towels, Organ, Organs, Slum, Street