Keyword Album: Barack Obama
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 202 items
While You Were Fighting in Afghanistan
Date: 08/29/2009
Views: 10371
Keywords: Mission Accomplished, LBJ, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Vietnam War, Afghanistan, Mosque, Barack Obama, Gun, Long Time From Now, U.S. Collapse, War on Terror, Generals, Militarism, Balloons
Obamaman Versus Rightzilla
Date: 08/20/2009
Views: 8380
What Happens
Date: 08/15/2009
Views: 13371
Keywords: Prisoner, Jail, Crime and Punishment, War Crimes, Iraq, Afghanistan, War, War on Terrorism, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Murder a Million Someones
Obama II
Date: 08/06/2009
Views: 6615
The Day That Changed Everything
Date: 08/02/2009
Views: 12844
Keywords: Henry Louis Gates, Barack Obama, Harvard College, Candor, Honesty, Unscripted Human Emotion, Apology, Kennedy Assassination, 9/11, Old Man, Reminiscing
Blend the Stimulus
Date: 07/23/2009
Views: 16463
Keywords: Barack Obama, Bailouts, Stimulus Package, Economy, Torture, Human Rights, Civil Liberties, Die, Death is Bad, Congress, Fear-Mongering, Fall TV, Legislation, Wasting Time, Domestic Surveillance
Give the Man Time
Date: 07/16/2009
Views: 14448
Keywords: Patience, Barack Obama, Moderation, Healthcare, Economy, Unemployment, Democrats, Recession, Depression, George W. Bush, 2007
Change Takes Time
Date: 07/10/2009
Views: 14912
Keywords: Gay Rights, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Gays in the Military, Lesbians, White House, Barack Obama, Fags, Gay Marriage, Civil Rights, Incrementalism, Symbolism, Triangulation, Homophobia
Incrementalism Throughout History
Date: 07/07/2009
Views: 16088
Keywords: Alexander the Pretty Great, History, Abraham Lincoln, Abe Lincoln, Fewer Whippings, Conquer, Winston Churchill, Barack Obama, Bipartisanship, Triangulation, Democratic Party, World War II, One Small Step, Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11