Keyword Album: Trickle Down
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 6 items
Date: 05/02/2017
Views: 9213
Keywords: security expenses, Secret Service, Sputnik News, Donald Trump, Mar-e-Lago, Trump Tower, limo, police, trickle down economics, bum, homeless
Secrets of the GOP Tax Overhaul
Date: 12/25/2017
Views: 11236
Keywords: Obamacare, Republican tax bill, trickle down, supply side economics, rich, wealthy, boilerplate, secrets, Robert Mueller, Emancipation Proclamation, Donald Trump, slavery, Crooked Hillary, Twitter, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, codicil, censorship, media
Can't Do Gun Control. How About Crazy Control?
Date: 10/05/2017
Views: 10075
Keywords: mass shootings, gun control, Las Vegas shooting, Route 91, crazy, Charles Manson, nuts, bonkers, psychiatry, psychology, regulation, congress, conflict of interest, mental illness, Paul Ryan, war militarism, trickle down economics, great britain
Trump's First Budget Is Based Upon A Lot of Weirdasss Assumptions
Date: 05/29/2017
Views: 10141
Keywords: Donald Trump, federal budget. tax cuts, trickle down economics, GDP, growth projections, unrealistic, GOP, Republicans, Ronald Reagan, Laffer, poverty, poor, dumpster diving
The Solutionators
Date: 08/30/2010
Views: 8251
Keywords: BP OIl Spill, Economic Collapse, Trickle Down Economics, Corporations, Bailouts, Obama, Mr. T, The A Team, Child Fell Down a Well, Free Market, Capitalism
Haiti Bailout
Date: 01/22/2010
Views: 7667