Keyword Album: Right
Date: 03/11/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 402 items
Can't Afford the Friendly Skies
Date: 04/15/2011
Views: 11864
Keywords: airfare, airlines, baggage fees, eric holder, hillary rodham clinton, change, can, coins, 9/11, guantanamo, military tribunals, cuba, habeas corpus, right to speedy trial, magna carta, frequent flyer miles, airline tickets, delta airlines
We're Looking at a Few Good Men
Date: 04/04/2011
Views: 9194
Keywords: bradley manning, wikileaks, human rights violations, quantico naval brig, marines, nude, nudity, abu ghraib, homophobia, don't ask don't tell, dadt, looking at a few good men
Gitmo: New and Improved
Date: 03/11/2011
Views: 13288
Keywords: human rights, gitmo, guantanamo, healthcare, obama, civil rights, waterboarding, perrier, torture, executive order, obamacare, soldiers, detainees, prisoners, mineral water, flashlight, mandate
Monkey See, Monkey Hear
Date: 12/10/2010
Views: 10025
Keywords: Government, Privacy Rights, NSA, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, Spying, Surveillance, Wiretapping, Mail, Email, Conversation, Spooks, Spies, Van
Don't Ask, Don't Think
Date: 08/18/2010
Views: 5209
Bank Reform Made Simple
Date: 07/23/2010
Views: 8698
The Right to Not Know Your Right To Talk To Remain Silent
Date: 06/09/2010
Views: 8420
Keywords: Supreme Court, Miranda Warnings, Policeman, Motorist, Arrest, Crime and Punishment, Law and Order, Huh, Right to Remain Silent, Demand, Logic
Don't Ask, Don't Care
Date: 05/31/2010
Views: 7589
Keywords: Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Gays in the Military, Gay Rights, Militarism, War, Afghanistan, Bar, Veterans, Straight, 940
Miranda Games
Date: 05/26/2010
Views: 7769
Keywords: War on Terrorism, Miranda Rights, Games, Obama, Civil Rights, Arrest, Detainee, Crime and Punishment, Talk, Attorney, Government