Keyword Album: African-American
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 39 items
A Woman President Would Change Everything
Date: 04/15/2013
Views: 11203
Keywords: Hillary Rodham Clinton, feminism, 2016 presidential campaign, women, cafe, Obama, African-American, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Social Security, jobs, homelessness, liberal, projection
The Talk
Date: 04/16/2012
Views: 10914
Keywords: Trayvon Martin, police brutality, mountain lions, predators, race relations, racism, African-Americans, parents, sons, father, startle, police shootings, ethnic profiling
Safer Living Through Elastics
Date: 10/03/2011
Views: 12434
Keywords: Pasadena Weekly, Local Cartoon, Race Relations, Police, Shootings, Racism, Latinos, African-Americans, Baggy Pants, Elastics, Belts, Pants
The Race Gap Becomes a Chasm
Date: 07/29/2011
Views: 14942
Keywords: economic collapse, race relations, income inequality, census study, economic, recession, depression, household wealth, blacks, african-americans, unemployment line, whites, latinos, unemployment office, limousine, rich
The Change of Hope
Date: 01/05/2011
Views: 11318
Keywords: Class Warfare, Obama, Winter Vacation, Hawaii, Bar, Economy, Joblessness, Income Disparity, Unemployment, Black, African-American, Golf
Black Republicans Explained
Date: 08/24/1996
Views: 11815
Sorry About That
Date: 04/06/1998
Views: 17083
Keywords: apology, slave trade, slavery, bill clinton, racism, african-americans, discrimination, police brutality, homelessness, poverty, crime and punishment, law, drugs
American Maniacs Hold Firm
Date: 06/04/1999
Views: 12661
Keywords: bombing, militarism, ethnic minorities, racism, african-americans, human rights, cancer, fort benning, ba'al, lotto, suburns, war
Brad Clay, Caring White Dude
Date: 06/27/1999
Views: 9954