Keyword Album: Obama
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 570 items
Date: 01/31/2011
Views: 9966
Keywords: Obama, GOP, Republican Congress, Jobs, Unemployment, Cabinet, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Mind, Negative Accomplishments, Theoretical Physics, Less
Nicey Words
Date: 02/02/2011
Views: 9708
Keywords: Homelessness, Poverty, Poor, Anger, Tucson Shootings, Rage, Obama, Stay Calm, Violent Political Rhetoric, Robert Gibbs, Salary Gaffe
State of the Union 2011
Date: 01/21/2011
Views: 9511
Keywords: State of the Union, John Boehner, Senate, Joe Biden, Teleprompter, Strongish, Corporations, China, Banks, Sponsorships, Collapse, Address, Speech, Obama
Promises, Promises
Date: 01/20/2011
Views: 10307
Keywords: Historical Economic Data, Unemployment, Joblessness, Job Creation, Recovery, Growth, Statistics, Obama, Promises, Population Growth, Labor Force, Commute, China, Globalization
No Place for Violence
Date: 01/15/2011
Views: 11620
Keywords: Obama, War on Terror, Afghanistan, Iraq, Generals, Militarism, Bombs, Preadtor Drone Planes, Burning Buildings, Map Room, Violence, Brutality, Aggression, Gabrielle Giffords, Tucson Shooting Spree
Republican Re-Revolution
Date: 01/13/2011
Views: 9525
Keywords: Obama, Boehner, Sellouts, Republicans, Capitol, Congress, GOP, G.O.P., Office, Legislation, Triangulation, Centrism, Moderation
Ten Years of Freedom
Date: 12/31/2010
Views: 9273
Keywords: War on Terrorism, 9/11, Obama, Bush, Cave, Cake, New Year's, Celebration, Party, World Trade Center, Jihadis
The Change of Hope
Date: 01/05/2011
Views: 11318
Keywords: Class Warfare, Obama, Winter Vacation, Hawaii, Bar, Economy, Joblessness, Income Disparity, Unemployment, Black, African-American, Golf
Invade Andorra
Date: 12/22/2010
Views: 12344
Keywords: Andorra, Europe, France, Spain, Catalan, Obama, Unemployment, Capitalism, Jobs, War, Military, Tank, Militarism, Invade, Invasion, Homelessness, Poverty