Keyword Album: Sponsorship
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 6 items
Date: 04/06/2010
Views: 12243
Keywords: Mandarin Language, China, Chinese, Foreign Influence, Education, Hacienda Heights, Sponsorship, Afghanistan, North Korea, Graphic Arts, Canada, Back Bacon, Jam Busters, Kegger
State of the Union 2011
Date: 01/21/2011
Views: 8938
Keywords: State of the Union, John Boehner, Senate, Joe Biden, Teleprompter, Strongish, Corporations, China, Banks, Sponsorships, Collapse, Address, Speech, Obama
Earn Extra Cash Now...the Easy Way
Date: 09/11/1995
Views: 10652
Keywords: Corporate Sponsorships, Renaming, Sports Stadiums, Public Places, Big Money, Citicorp, Monsanto, Dan Xerox, Personal Sponsorship, Change Name, Primerica, Wesley, Lockheeds
The Past Is So Bright, I Have To Wear Shades
Date: 06/21/1996
Views: 17188
Keywords: prince, pop culture, music, film, candlestick park, san francisco, corporate sponsorship, soviet union, primerica, international harvester, corporations, ex-wife, ex-boyfriend, burma, myamnar, past, future, subway
The Editorial Wall Comes Down
Date: 01/25/2009
Views: 15173
Keywords: Media, Newspapers, New York Times, Advertising, Editorial, Chinese Wall, Conflict of Interest, Afghans, Headlines, TCBY, Yogurt, Hezbollah, Your Head Here, Corporate Sponsorships, Ebay
Rename God
Date: 04/27/1999
Views: 10466
Keywords: herpes, stds, religion, god, corporate sponsorship, renaming, monotheism, company, businessmen, hindu, infidel, smite