Keyword Album: Civil War
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 32 items
Moojs Redux
Date: 03/30/2011
Views: 13957
Keywords: Afghanistan, Libya, Benghazi, Islamists, Islamism, Extremists, Al Qaeda, Muslims, Go Wrong, Taliban, Radicalization, Civil War, 1980s music, '80s music, Allahu Akbar, Mujahiedeen, Socialism, Unintended Consequences, War on Terror
Date: 01/23/1995
Views: 15947
Keywords: Renaissance Faire, Civil War Battle Reenactments, History, Geeks, My Lai Massacre, Vietnam War, Militarism, Colonialism, Indian Genocide, Nagasaki, Nuclear War, Native Americans, Homelessness, Poverty, Class War
Third-Hand Smoke
Date: 06/02/1998
Views: 10692
Keywords: third-hand smoke, tobacco, smoking, fourthhand smoke, secondhand smoke, thirdhand smoke, cigarettes, smoky shirt, bar, blouse, cancer, nicotine, civil war, bill clinton, sally
Gay Abe
Date: 03/30/1998
Views: 12307
Keywords: abraham lincoln, robert e. lee, gays, homsexuality, gay rights, stephen douglas, queer, bisexuality, honest abe, civil war, gettysburg address, john wilkes both, baths
The Last Leftover Schticks
Date: 09/19/1999
Views: 7356
19th Century Fox
Date: 08/23/2001
Views: 8294
Choose Your Delusion
Date: 09/11/2006
Views: 7768
Keywords: 72 Virgins, Virgins, Kleptocracy, Iraq, War, Iraq War, Bush, Islamists, Martyrdom, Delusion, Choose Your Delusion, Puppet, Civil War
The Reenactors
Date: 05/23/2006
Views: 6451
So Long, Saddam
Date: 12/09/2006
Views: 10509
Keywords: Saddam, Iraq, President, Hussein, Saddam Hussein, Hanging, Execution, Hell, Afterlife, Bush, Devil, Death, Life After Death, Resurrection, Civil War, Justice, Restoring Saddam