Keyword Album: SS
Date: 03/11/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 2340 items
If Business Were Run Like Government
Date: 05/04/2011
Views: 9553
Keywords: government, store, shop, commerce, class war, trickle-down economics, supplyside economics, cash register, muslim, arab, butt, corporatism, obama, war on terror, budget, austerity
Permanent Poverty for Generation X
Date: 04/20/2011
Views: 9078
Can't They See I'm Busy?
Date: 04/11/2011
Views: 8690
Keywords: congress, libya, war, war on terror, constitution, rubber stamp, consultation, war powers act, democracy, obama, military, general, joint resolution, fools, kadafi
Still Making Excuses
Date: 04/08/2011
Views: 9926
Keywords: obama, bush, apologists, excuses, reelection, unemployment, 2012 presidential campaign, idiot, inherit, mayhem, homelessness
Decision 2012: Jobs
Date: 04/06/2011
Views: 15410
Keywords: mitt romney, barack obama, 2012 presidential election, economy, jobs, main issue, recession, unemployment, joblessness, depression, gop, democrats, republicans, credible, trickle-down economics, supplyside economics, tax cuts, invest
Asleep at the Switch
Date: 03/25/2011
Views: 10460
Keywords: Reagan Airport, National Airport, Air Traffic Controllers, Budget Cuts, Shortstaffing, Austerity, Norad, Missile Launch, Paper Tiger, Nuclear War, Asleep, Incompetence, Missiles
Time to Start Planning Ahead
Date: 03/23/2011
Views: 9949
Keywords: libya, qaddafi, neocons, neoconservatives, militarism, khaddafi, kadafi, red cross, medevac, soldiers, afghanistan, iraq, planning ahead, quagmires
Heckuva Job, Barry
Date: 03/18/2011
Views: 14458
Keywords: tsunami, japan, earthquake, disaster relief, donations, fema, obama, help, foreclosures, economy, recession, depression, economic collapse, now serving, form, address, criminal bankers, banksters, line, desk, forms
That's What Happens
Date: 03/16/2011
Views: 10965
Keywords: Tripoli, road sign, bomb crater, libya, khaddafi, qaddafi, revolution, predator drone, middle east, cellphone, call, help, ribcage, missile, opposition fighters, iraq, war on terrorism