Keyword Album: oil
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 89 items
A Glorious Victory
Date: 10/15/2012
Views: 10199
Keywords: toilet, food, Aby Hamza Hasri, war on terrorism, terrorists, Afghanistan, 9/11, glorious victory, Soviet Union, human rights, hooks, hands, disabilities, judge
Underwater on the Car
Date: 10/09/2012
Views: 9618
The Firing of Derek Chernow
Date: 02/01/2012
Views: 14163
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Derek Chernow, local cartoon, Simpsons, Montgomery Burns, Jerry Brown, California, energy industry, oil business, extraction, Mr. Smithers, Trapdoor, governor, corruption, conflict of interest
Hours After the End of the Iraq War
Date: 01/03/2012
Views: 9573
Keywords: Iraq War, Withdrawal, Iran, Straight of Hormuz, Oil, Tankers, Blockade, Trade Sanctions, Obama, Hostages, General, Map room
Islam Karimov's Soul
Date: 10/09/2011
Views: 12702
Keywords: Uzbekistan, State Department, Islam Karimov, Hillary Clinton, Human Rights, Boiling, Prisoners, Dissidents, Soul, George W. Bush, Vladimir Putin
Date: 11/16/2010
Views: 14680
Keywords: Pollution, Air Pollution, Clean Air Act, Proposition 26, California, Referendum System, Smog, Health, Gas Masks, Chimneys, Smokestacks, EPA, Toxicorp, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Gulf Coast, BP Oil Spill
Date: 05/25/2010
Views: 11325
Date: 12/14/2010
Views: 11398
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan, Maxim Bakiyev, WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, London, Exile, Hotel Room, Mirror, Spoiled, Corruption, Overweight, Balding
Back to Easy Credit
Date: 04/25/2011
Views: 8949
Keywords: foreclosure crisis, history, ideology, problem, easy credit, bank, libyan rebels, collateral, oil, kadafi, line of credit, barry's