Keyword Album: arab
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 45 items
Split Decision
Date: 12/15/2012
Views: 7998
Keywords: Al-Nusra Front, Free Syrian Army, Arab Spring, civil war, foreign policy, diplomacy, hypocrisy, terrorism, war on terror, drone attacks, Al Qaeda, certificate
At Least We're Consistent
Date: 12/08/2012
Views: 8383
Keywords: Mohammed Morsi, Egypt, Constitutional Crisis, U.S. foreign policy, Hosni Mubarak, Arab Spring, Embassy, State Department, dictator, constitution, revolution
Proxy War Redux
Date: 04/11/2012
Views: 10203
Keywords: Russia, proxy warfare, Afghanistan, Syria, Bashir a-Assad, Iran, freedom, Obama, Friends of Syria, Islamism, jihad, Arab client state, World Trade Center, 9/11 attacks
2003 Redux
Date: 08/26/2011
Views: 9161
Keywords: Iraq, WMDs, Saddam Hussein, Arab Spring, MIA, Kadafi, Kaddafi, Kadaffi, Libya, War on Terror, NATO, Tripoli, Rebels, Transitional National Council, 2003
The Adventures of Tom Friedman, Boy Reporter
Date: 06/13/2011
Views: 9837
Keywords: middle east, columnist, op/ed, opinion writing, punditry, arab, palestine, thomas l. friedman, boy reporter, gift shop, mubarak, taxi driver, massage, masseur, four seasons, istanbul, luggage, tunis
Hemp Bombs
Date: 05/16/2011
Views: 11775
Keywords: hemp, pot, drugs, police, obama, militarism, war, bombs, arabs, general, stoner, pothead, marijuana, amino acids, legalization, high times, lava lamp, omega 3
If Business Were Run Like Government
Date: 05/04/2011
Views: 9664
Keywords: government, store, shop, commerce, class war, trickle-down economics, supplyside economics, cash register, muslim, arab, butt, corporatism, obama, war on terror, budget, austerity
Too Complicated
Date: 02/09/2009
Views: 19991
Keywords: Barack Obama, entomologist, committees', committees, complicated, torture hq, under new management, prisoners, gitmo, guantanamo, brain meltdown, arab names, white pages, khalid bin abdullah mishal tham, gay marriage, legal jurisdiction, scapegoats, war o
Basic Guide to American Bigotry
Date: 11/05/1998
Views: 11500
Keywords: bigotry, gays, muslims, arabs, french, islam, fat, asian, black, protected, genocide, open season, ethnic slurs