Keyword Album: Weapons
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 109 items
Shooting Scare
Date: 12/22/2012
Views: 8745
Keywords: Pasadena Weekly, Local Cartoon, Weapons, guns, crime and punishment, law and order, debate, school shooting, bed, Newtown, Connecticut
Mutual Assured Destruction
Date: 12/24/2012
Views: 12358
Keywords: Rick Perry, NRA, guns, National Rifle Association, weapons, RPGs, missiles, gun lobby, school shootings, Adam Lanza, Newtown, Connecticut, Congress, self-defense, Second Amendment, sophistry, psychokillers lobby, WMDs
Come Back When There's Video
Date: 12/21/2012
Views: 10524
Keywords: Newtown, Connecticut, mass shooting, Adam Lanza, school shooting, Sandy Hook Elementary School, National Rifle Association, NRA, Washington, lobby, guns, weapons, assault rifles, clips, violence, crime and punishment, law and order
Gun Crazy
Date: 12/19/2012
Views: 7607
Mini Drones
Date: 06/15/2012
Views: 13665
Keywords: militarism, drone planes, mini-drones, war on terror, war on terrorism, Afghanistan, Iraq, switchblade, warheads, soldiers, candiru fish, amazon river, parasites, loa loa worm, African eye parasite, Higgs boson, theoretical physics, Iran, nuclear weapons
The Ballad of Moammar Gaddafi
Date: 09/02/2011
Views: 9932
Keywords: Gaddafi, Libya, International Community, Nuclear Disarmament, Nukes, Americans, Obama, Kadafi, Nuclear Weapons, WMDS, Revolution, Basement
Date: 02/09/2010
Views: 11845
Keywords: Starbucks, Coffee, Weapons, Guns, Brady Center, Tea Party, Loopy, Service, Aretha Franklin, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon
That Sickening Feeling
Date: 11/17/2010
Views: 16825
Keywords: Condi Rice, George W. Bush, Retired President, Memoirs, Decision Points, Texas, Ranch, TV, Television, WMDs, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Iraq, Iraq War, War Hero, Guilt, Lies, War on Terror, War, Sickening Feeling, Wine, Marijuana, Pot, Cocaine, Coke
Model U.N.
Date: 08/06/2010
Views: 7773