Keyword Album: taxi driver
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 9 items
Date: 07/15/2022
Views: 1902
Keywords:, taxi, Uber, Uber Files, Travis, Deathrace 2000, Taxi Driver, entertaining, Lyft, ride-sharing, corporate ethics
Why Can't We Make Money From Our Mistakes Like Equifax?
Date: 09/12/2017
Views: 9561
Keywords: Equifax, hackers, hacking, technology, tech, Alka-Seltzer, burgers, food preparation, taxi driver, oops, wife, doctor, surgery, surgeon, bank, credit agency, Trans-Union
Too Stupid To Not Fail
Date: 02/26/2015
Views: 13553
Keywords: Vito Barbieri, Idaho, anatomy, waiter, Republicans, science denial, women's rights, abortion rights, vagina, stomach, coffee, baleen, blowhole, unemployment, scientists, STEM careers, engineers, taxi driver, sex
The Adventures of Tom Friedman, Boy Reporter
Date: 06/13/2011
Views: 9853
Keywords: middle east, columnist, op/ed, opinion writing, punditry, arab, palestine, thomas l. friedman, boy reporter, gift shop, mubarak, taxi driver, massage, masseur, four seasons, istanbul, luggage, tunis
Consider Yourself Lucky
Date: 03/13/1996
Views: 14117
Rudolph Giuliani: The Final Days
Date: 06/22/1998
Views: 11130
Keywords: rudy giuliani, mayor, hitler, bunker, new york, cabbies, taxi drivers, broadway, herr mayor, squeegee men, teachers unions, ashes, cyanide plintz
Great Moments of Na
Date: 08/14/2000
Views: 14003
Keywords: taxi driver 2, herpes, stds, allergic rash, detergent, lies, promises, relationships, roe v. wade, david duke, republican party, compassionate conservatism, big tent
Pity Party
Date: 01/01/2002
Views: 11284
Keywords: istanbul, turkey, dushanbe, tajikistan, taloqan, afghanistan, new york, taxi driver, home address, 9/11, recession, superpower, charity cases, pity party, bombs
Iraqi Ethnic Cleansing for Fun and Profit
Date: 02/04/2007
Views: 15861
Keywords: Ethnic Cleansing, Iraq, Sectarian, Violence, Real Estate, Sunni, Shiite, Taxi Drivers, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Combat Pay, Graphic Artist, Stamps, Currency, Flag, Ak-47, RPG