Keyword Album: White House
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 82 items
Date: 08/27/2012
Views: 11278
Keywords: housing crisis, recession, depression, subprime mortgage meltdown, crash, evictions, foreclosures, 2012 presidential campaign, Obama, White House, Bain Capital, Mitt Romney, banks
Generic Tragicomment
Date: 08/13/2012
Views: 8491
Keywords: Sikh shooting, grief, Obama, tragedy, pap, pabulum, generic, flat, emotionless, senseless, public relations, statement, hearts go out, prayers, media, white house, oval office
Who's Your Bully?
Date: 05/23/2012
Views: 9666
Keywords: White House situation room, drone planes, 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, bullying, hazing, Iran, sanctions, Burma, Myamnar, Cuba, North Korea, Zimbabwe, militarism
Date: 10/18/2011
Views: 10335
Keywords: Terrorism, Awlaki, Assassinations, Drone Planes, Predator, Hellfire Missile, Obama, White House, General, Oval Office, Local Authorities, Yemen, Memo
January 20, 2009 Redux
Date: 10/10/2011
Views: 10197
Keywords: George W. Bush, Personality Transfer, Barack Obama, White House, Bathroom, Double Flushers, Star Trek, Texas, Unemployment, Foreclosures, Drone Bombs
Presidential Switchoff
Date: 10/05/2011
Views: 8323
Keywords: Citigroup, Obama, Bush, White House, AIG, Launch Codes, Area 51, JFK Assassination, Inside Job, Inauguration, Chase, Goldman Sachs
Three Years Later, the Phone is Ringing
Date: 08/12/2011
Views: 9399
Keywords: Obama, Hillary Clinton, Campaign Ad, Attack Ad, White House, 3 a.m., 3 am, Angry, Economy, Depression, Meltdown, Debt Crisis, Alive, Michelle Obama
Rocky 2
Date: 08/06/2011
Views: 8737
Keywords: Obama, debt ceiling, white house, rocky, sylvester stallone, movie, film, heart, bedroom, michelle obama, spouse, democrats, surrender, mascara, phony
There's Got To Be One
Date: 07/25/2011
Views: 8675