Keyword Album: Libya
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 39 items
Date: 03/07/2014
Views: 12732
Keywords: sovereignty, Crimea crisis, Russia, invasion, international law, nations, countries, borders, drone strikes, Pakistan, airspace, Afghanistan, proxy wars, Libya, Uganda, Syria. Central African Republic, Philippines, Haiti, earthquake, disaster relief, mili
Why Do You Hate Obama?
Date: 12/14/2013
Views: 13640
Keywords: Obama, dog whistle, race card, race relations, racism, drones, bankster bailouts, Afghanistan, Obamacare, public option, NSA, National Security Agency, torture, Guantanamo, force-feeding, Chelsea Manning, Bradley Manning, Libya, Syria, gay rights, Ku Klux
A Terrible Shock
Date: 09/14/2012
Views: 9399
Keywords: Libya, ambassador, killing, diplomacy, State Department, shock, Obama, coffin, funeral, radical Islamists, Syria, Afghanisan, Hillary Clinton
In the Future
Date: 08/09/2012
Views: 9013
Keywords: Iran, militarism, Mitt Romney, Israel, warmongering, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, war, environment, apocalypse, economy
Date: 06/27/2012
Views: 14260
Keywords: integrity, 2012 presidential campaign, war on terrorism, Yemen, Libya, Roe v. Wade, abortion, Pakistan, Afghanistan, drone attacks, murder, pro-choice, unemployment benefits, Iran, Gitmo, Guantanamo, torture, parochial selfish interests, Obama
The Dictator
Date: 11/03/2011
Views: 6468
Another Rogue Trader
Date: 09/23/2011
Views: 8431
Keywords: Rogue Trading, stimulus package, Bank CEOS, Barack Obama, Earn it back, Oval Office, SEC, Libya War, Ioerato, Operation Odytssey Dawn, Payback, Hotshot
The Ballad of Moammar Gaddafi
Date: 09/02/2011
Views: 9405
Keywords: Gaddafi, Libya, International Community, Nuclear Disarmament, Nukes, Americans, Obama, Kadafi, Nuclear Weapons, WMDS, Revolution, Basement
2003 Redux
Date: 08/26/2011
Views: 8617
Keywords: Iraq, WMDs, Saddam Hussein, Arab Spring, MIA, Kadafi, Kaddafi, Kadaffi, Libya, War on Terror, NATO, Tripoli, Rebels, Transitional National Council, 2003