Keyword Album: fdr
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 12 items
Date: 01/08/2020
Views: 4432
Keywords: Sputnik News, FDR, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Trump, Twitter, social media, Iran crisis, Suleimani, World War II, Pearl Habor, Japan
We Will Never Be so Stupid Again until We Are
Date: 03/16/2022
Views: 11806
Keywords: Jingoism, dachshund, dogs, German shepherds, liberty pumps, animal abuse, World War II, World War I, Japanese American internment camps, concentration camps, racism, bigotry, FDR, Iraq war, France, freedom fries, freedom toast, Sikhs, Muslims, Russi
FDR and Biden Are Exactly the Same
Date: 05/12/2021
Views: 10199
Keywords: FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Joe Biden, Joseph Biden, WPA, Works progress administration, unemployment, employment, press conferences, direct hiring, speeches, Glass-Steagall act
If Previous Presidents Reacted to Crises the Way Biden Is to the Covid Economic Crash
Date: 02/03/2021
Views: 13614
Keywords: Joe Biden, economic stimulus, coronavirus, COVID-19, economy, FDR, pearlharbor, WWII, Honolulu local police, Abraham Lincoln, senate, gridlock, succession, pisser, soviets, Soviet union, moon, moon shot, space program, space race, JFK, John F Kennedy, Tul
Trump's Infamous Tweets
Date: 07/05/2017
Views: 6807
Keywords: FDR, Trump, tweet, Twitter, Pearl Harbor, Japanese, history, World War II, analogy, Hirohito, infantile, infamy
Archival War
Date: 10/01/2014
Views: 10195
Keywords: FDR, Roosevelt, World War II, ISIS, Obama, law, Authorization to Use Military Force, Al Qaeda, Iraq, declaration of war, separation of powers, Congress, emancipation proclamation, slaves, Putin, Russia, Hittite, Syria, Islamic State
Franklin Delano Obama
Date: 09/13/2011
Views: 6079
60 Years Old
Date: 03/13/1999
Views: 15407
Keywords: 60 minutes, news, television, tv, elderly, generational conflict, rock 'n' roll, kids, mike brazer, fdr, al capone, haberdasher, social security, elder abuse, andrew rooney, andy rooney, monica lewinsky, slut, madon na, menendez, young, old
The Making of the Resident - 2001
Date: 09/29/2001
Views: 11530