Keyword Album: Sam
Date: 03/12/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 125 items
Enlist! What Could Go Wrong?
Date: 02/14/2013
Views: 14353
Keywords: militarism, armed forces, depression, PTSD, homelessness, army, navy, marines, suicide, mental illness, soldiers, troops, 9/11, college tuition, enlist, posters, Uncle Sam, hot chicks, world, veterans, vets
Escalation of Force
Date: 02/05/2013
Views: 10368
Keywords: Rules of engagement, military, militarism, war crimes, atrocities, Afghanistan, Samarkand, Mongols, Mongolia, Genghis Khan, Washington Post, op-ed column, escalation of force guidelines, pyramids, Alpha Centauri, lethal force, Iraq, war on terror, civilia
Justice is Served...Eventually
Date: 11/20/2012
Views: 7207
Poor Pole
Date: 09/19/2012
Views: 6690
Carla Sameth
Date: 09/03/2012
Views: 8842
Keywords: Pasadena Weekly, Local Cartoon, police brutality, Lee Baca, sheriff, deputies, beating, Carla Sameth, racism, race relations, lawyer, civil lawsuit
Also, I Have a Goombah
Date: 08/31/2012
Views: 10542
Keywords: Osama bin Laden, Goombah, Mafia, Mob, Cosa Nostra, Michelle Obama, First Lady, Assassination, war on terror, body, head, foreign policy, SEAL, book, cutting, burial, Islam, Muslim, rubout, desecration, lies
The Decider
Date: 05/11/2012
Views: 12747
Keywords: evolving, Barack Obama. Osama bin Laden, decisiveness, presidency, George W. Bush. golf, drone planes, missiles, assassinations, war on terror, TARP, bank bailouts, gay rights, gay marriage, deep breath
Creative Job Destruction
Date: 05/07/2012
Views: 8678
Can I Have Osama's House?
Date: 10/20/2011
Views: 8406