Keyword Album: medic
Date: 01/05/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 88 items
EMS Shooting
Date: 07/17/2013
Views: 7440
The Joys of Being Uninsured
Date: 06/12/2013
Views: 7199
Mohammed, Hero Drone Commander of the Pakistani Army
Date: 01/22/2013
Views: 9554
Keywords: Pakistan, drone program, tribal region, Pakistani Army, Mohammed, drone commander, hero, church, Ohio, Kentucky, Republican Party, some, China, medic, Louisville, wedding parties, Afghanistan, hypocrisy
Proletariat Steak
Date: 01/08/2013
Views: 12108
Keywords: Social Security, Bureau of Labor Statistics, chained consumer price index, inflation, economy, Medicare, state, ground beef, liver, spam, Ramen noodles, pasta, cost of living, recession, fiscal cliff, John Boehner Barack Obama, proletariat, class war, wat
President Romney's First 100 Days
Date: 09/05/2012
Views: 8134
Pre-Old Blues
Date: 08/20/2012
Views: 9943
Keywords: Paul Ryan, budget, Social Security, Medicare, entitlement programs, social safety net, austerity, deficit, Mitt Romney, aging cream, drivers license, young, old, generational warfare, Dumpster
Drone Spam
Date: 07/04/2012
Views: 12268
Keywords: drone planes, hellfire missiles, afghanistan, pakistan, yemen, war on terror, spam, internet, hackers, technology, computers, spoofing, predator, penis enlargement, pills, medication, russia
Nighttime Release
Date: 11/29/2011
Views: 7351
Advances in Third World Healthcare
Date: 11/09/2011
Views: 9259
Keywords: NGOs, Afghanistan, Healthcare, Developing world, Third World, Charities, Medical Care, Medicine, Doctors, Ailments, Predator Drone, Missile, Bombing