Keyword Album: holocaust
Date: 01/30/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 31 items
The Cult of Bipartisanship
Date: 02/11/2015
Views: 10776
Keywords: bipartisanship, Hitler, Clinton, Berlin, politics, Bush, Iraq, NSA, Edward Snowden, China, free trade, outsourcing, gridlock, Holocaust, representation
This is What Moral Corruption Looks Like
Date: 12/11/2014
Views: 8048
Obama's Folksy History of the World
Date: 08/07/2014
Views: 9924
Keywords: Holocaust, folks, Jews, Germans, World War I, Serbs, Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, countrified, corny, folksy, Obama, torture, CIA, enhanced interrogation techniques, torturers, Central Intelligence Agency
Denying Armenian Genocide
Date: 08/13/2013
Views: 7583
Collective Shrug
Date: 06/14/2013
Views: 9892
Keywords: Godwin's Law, Nazis, Holocaust, gassing, Jews, NSA, National Security Agency, PRISM program, domestic surveillance, espionage, privacy, public outrage
Genocide Memorials
Date: 05/14/2013
Views: 8292
Date: 04/25/2013
Views: 12570
Keywords: corporations, greed, outsourcing, free trade, WTO, NAFTA, labor pool, Holocaust, Auschwitz, death camp, Cambodia, Mexico, China, wages, labor management relations, job creator, hedge fund, workers, slave labor
First They Came For My Junk
Date: 04/09/2012
Views: 13784
Keywords: U.S. Supreme Court, torture, human rights, Martin Niemoller quote, Holocaust, Jews, airport security, TSA, domestic wiretapping program, NSA, national security agency, CIA, FBI, spying, finger-rape, strip searches, strip-searches, body cavity searches, hu
Passive Resistance Comics
Date: 01/25/2012
Views: 7718
Keywords: violence, nonviolence, tactics, occupy movement, pacificism, holocaust, world war ii, pechersky, grenades, sobibor uprising, resistance, smokestack, reichstag, chanting, pacifism