Keyword Album: Video
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 52 items
Date: 06/28/2013
Views: 14111
Keywords: Slippery slope, NSA, 9/11 attacks, terrorism, security, national security agency, emails, privacy, text messages, photographs, video chats, Skype, telephone calls, phone calls, Verizon, domestic surveillance, spying, security state, TSA, transportation sa
Shaming Orie Nelson
Date: 05/08/2013
Views: 13903
Keywords: Harrisburg Patriot-News, local cartoon, Pennsylvania, staff, corruption, shame, punishments, YouTube, viral video, Orkin truck, bug, termite, fly, apology, Alleghanies
Video Police
Date: 09/11/2012
Views: 13713
Keywords: LAPD, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, police brutality, cops, videotaping, iphone, smart phone, community meetings, beatings, beatdowns
Name the Morally Objectionable Action
Date: 01/20/2012
Views: 10305
Keywords: Afghanistan, Marines, Urination, Video, Pee, Piss, Occupation, Invasion, Yee Haw, Soldiers, Troops, War Crimes, Desecration, Corpse, Bodies
Budget Hero: The Game
Date: 07/27/2011
Views: 10542
Keywords: federal budget, deficit spending, NPR, national public radio, prayer, taxation, budget cuts, gamers, video games, matrix, foreclosure, computer, virtual, internet, virus, debt limit crisis
Violent Video Games
Date: 07/01/2011
Views: 12056
Keywords: violence, militarism, drone planes, predator, war on terror, afghanistan, pakistan, soldiers, robotics, video games, supreme court, first amendment, missiles, minds
Computer Seizure
Date: 06/29/2011
Views: 8335
Second Tuesday in November
Date: 09/24/2010
Views: 9784
Keywords: Midterm Elections, Democratic Party, Republican Party, GOP, Two-Party System, Gorgon, Apathy, Elections, Voting, Vote, Video Games, Wii, Television
The War Criminal's Guide to Etiquette
Date: 04/14/2010
Views: 9524
Keywords: War Crimes, My Lai, WikiLeaks, Video, Iraq, Occupation, Cracking Jokes, Awesome, Trivialize, Massacre, Special Alone Time