Keyword Album: he
Date: 03/12/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1794 items
Newt Gets a Vote
Date: 01/29/2012
Views: 10291
Keywords: Mitt Romney, Tax Returns, Wealth, Class Warfare, Carried Interest Deduction, 2012 presidential campaign, High School, Sweetheart, Living Room, Computer, Form 1040, Cayman Islands, Slavery, Organs
Joe Patermo, RIP
Date: 01/27/2012
Views: 10757
Keywords: Rape, Pedophilia, Child Molestation, Penn State Sex Scandal, Joe Patermo, Football', Coach, Obituary Cartoon, Angels, God, Deity, Shower, Afetrlife, Religion, Meta, Heaven, Spin
Crashing Cop Cars
Date: 01/24/2012
Views: 13453
Keywords: LAPD, Los Angeles Police Department, Police Cruisers, Crashes, Accidents, Grappling Hooks, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Maniac, Fairfax Avenue, Granny, Fruit Cars, Airbags, Ignition Interlock Devices
Occupy Everything
Date: 01/24/2012
Views: 7908
Passive Resistance Comics
Date: 01/25/2012
Views: 7871
Keywords: violence, nonviolence, tactics, occupy movement, pacificism, holocaust, world war ii, pechersky, grenades, sobibor uprising, resistance, smokestack, reichstag, chanting, pacifism
More Coffee
Date: 01/19/2012
Views: 9751
Keywords: Could Be Worse, Campaign Poster, Shepherd Fairey, Propaganda Poster, David Plouffe, 2012 Presidential Campaign, Barack Obama, Reelection Campaign, Prevented a Depression, Jim Messina, Oval Office, Coffee
Date: 01/10/2012
Views: 14914
Keywords: Governor Jerry Brown, California, Budget Crisis, November, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Malaysia, Kindle Fire, Becky Dodge Challenger, Sweatshops, Fiscal Crisis, Healthcare Costs, Casket, Coffin, Aspirin, Cry
Occupy the Rose Parade
Date: 01/09/2012
Views: 6225
The American Way
Date: 12/30/2011
Views: 10018
Keywords: Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-on, North Korea, Hillary Clinton, Democracy, Barack Obama, Commander-in-Chief, President, Armed Forces, Bat Building, Pyongyang, Dictatorship, Regime Change, The American Way