Keyword Album: Heaven
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 26 items
Nelson Mandela, Drone Victim
Date: 12/16/2013
Views: 11570
Keywords: drones, war on terror, Obama, terrorism, communists, subversive, racism, violence, assassinations, TSA, airport security, heaven, pearly gates, afterlife, religion
Rodney King, RIP
Date: 06/22/2012
Views: 13394
Keywords: Obituary cartoons, editorial cartooning, Rodney King, Los Angeles riots, revenge fantasy, police brutality, cops, L.A. riots, heaven, afterlife myths, religion, beating, assault
Death by Skype
Date: 05/14/2012
Views: 13722
Keywords: death, Afghanistan, war on terror, soldier, Skype, Pinterest, social networking, Internet, privacy, online, cancer, LinkedIn, unemployment, Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter, Facebook, heaven, afterlife, suicide, monetize
Joe Patermo, RIP
Date: 01/27/2012
Views: 10879
Keywords: Rape, Pedophilia, Child Molestation, Penn State Sex Scandal, Joe Patermo, Football', Coach, Obituary Cartoon, Angels, God, Deity, Shower, Afetrlife, Religion, Meta, Heaven, Spin
Poly Styrene and Osama bin Laden, RIP
Date: 05/06/2011
Views: 9016
Keywords: Poly Styrene, X-Ray Spex, Abbottabad, Osama bin Laden, Obituary Cartoon, editorial cartoon, angel, heaven, punk rock, concert, 72 virgins, afterlife, obit cartoon
How Will You Die?
Date: 09/01/1997
Views: 15266
Keywords: death, mortality, afterlife, heaven, crib death, teen suicide, war, car accident, execution, overdose, shooting, plane crash, klutziness, old age
Religion Made Simple
Date: 08/11/1997
Views: 14053
Keywords: park, wheel of cheese, centipedes, eternal bowling, paradise, croak, faith knowledge, afterlife, religion, heaven, myths
The Nostalgist
Date: 11/02/1997
Views: 16354
Keywords: ben, sonocos, alienation, nostalgia, chris ware, r. crumb, silent movies, antiques, retro, modernity, afterlife, heaven, photoshop, kill
Mouse Type
Date: 03/26/1999
Views: 18005
Keywords: warning labels, advertising, madison avenue, parents, education school, fatherhood, parenthood, children, families, culture, jewel cd, music, religion, afetrlife, heaven, loved ones