Keyword Album: Meta
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 25 items
Date: 02/14/2014
Views: 13755
Keywords: NSA, National Security Agency, domestic surveillance, class action lawsuit, Rand Paul, abortion, gay rights, phone metadada, constitution,, freelance cartoon, pandering
Data Hoarders
Date: 08/07/2013
Views: 12351
Keywords: NSA, PRISM Program, metadata, National Security Agency, privacy rights, Fort Meade, Maryland, domestic surveillance, reality TV show, hoarders, clutter, servers, Edward Snowden, Barack Obama, pile, Google, Skype, drone attacks
Date: 07/27/2012
Views: 10656
Keywords: Walking Dead, TV, apathy, drone attacks, Obama, maniac, Aurora, Colorado, shooting spree, American exceptionalism, gun control laws, movie metal detectors, murder, crime and punishment, law and order, zombie show
Joe Patermo, RIP
Date: 01/27/2012
Views: 10879
Keywords: Rape, Pedophilia, Child Molestation, Penn State Sex Scandal, Joe Patermo, Football', Coach, Obituary Cartoon, Angels, God, Deity, Shower, Afetrlife, Religion, Meta, Heaven, Spin
The Roommate From Hell
Date: 12/08/2010
Views: 10120
Keywords: Class Warfare, Wild Party, Roommate, Rudeness, Trashed, Damage, Economic Crisis, Austerity, Budget Cuts, Allegory, Metaphor, Revolution, Anger, Populism
Back to School '95
Date: 08/16/1995
Views: 15087
Keywords: Eighties Retro, Nostalgia, Fashion, 1980s Retro, Power Tie, Dead Commodities Trader, Madonna, Music, Pop Culture, Condoms, HIV/AIDS, Baseball Caps, Faux Pas, School Metal Detector, Education, High School
Political Talk (with that Guy on the Left and that Woman on the Right)
Date: 08/15/1996
Views: 11293
Be All You Can Be
Date: 09/11/1997
Views: 11553
Keywords: graveyard, cemetary, u.s. army, militarism, sucker, dweeb, sap, chumo, chump, fool, simp, nitwit
Date: 10/17/1998
Views: 7958