Keyword Album: Revolution
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 68 items
Patrick Henry Rodham Clinton
Date: 02/01/2016
Views: 5831
Changing the Man in Charge Doesn't Change the System
Date: 08/27/2014
Views: 10837
Keywords: privilege, class, police violence, police brutality, Obama, stop and frisk, Ferguson, Missouri, race riots, racism, law and order, cops, pockets. I.D., system, reform, revolution
How Capitalism Deals with Inequality
Date: 02/13/2014
Views: 15591
Keywords: capitalism, State of the Union address, Obama, inequality, economics, income, rich, poor, class warfare, poverty, exploitation, homeless, superiority, shoppers, consumerism, guillotine, revolution, progressive tax code, social programs, safety net, regres
Nelson Mandela RIP
Date: 12/07/2013
Views: 7935
Keywords: South Africa, RSA, Nelson Mandela, apartheid, obituary cartoon, desk, revolution, poverty, race relations, townships, compromise, sellout
At Least We're Consistent
Date: 12/08/2012
Views: 8392
Keywords: Mohammed Morsi, Egypt, Constitutional Crisis, U.S. foreign policy, Hosni Mubarak, Arab Spring, Embassy, State Department, dictator, constitution, revolution
15 People
Date: 06/06/2012
Views: 9266
Keywords: Andy Warhol, digital revolution, computers, online, fame, famous, 15 people, pop culture, Beatles, music, film, TV, television, mass culture
The System Makes Me Sick
Date: 02/16/2012
Views: 11126
Keywords: Supreme Court, Healthcare reform, Corrupt, Lawsuit, Obamacare, Evil private Corporations, Sick, System, Capitalism, Revolt, Revolution, Gouging, Molotov Cocktails
Shoulda Worked Within the System
Date: 02/11/2012
Views: 10440
Keywords: Oppression, Revolution, Occupy Movement, System, Email, protest mail, letters to the editor, pacificism, nonviolence, demonstrations, protests, pepper spray, riots, hanging, oppressor
Alternate Universe Republicans
Date: 01/14/2012
Views: 11573
Keywords: Rick Perry, 2012 Presidential Campaign, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Cultural Revolution, Struggle Session, Maoism, Dunce Cap, Mao Tsetung, Class Traitors, Occupy Movement, Presidential Debates, Bain Capital, Capitalism, Alternative Universe, Right-Wing Re