Keyword Album: Mitt Romney
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 44 items
Moving Right
Date: 05/30/2012
Views: 12116
Keywords: Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, ideology, right-wing, right, swing voters, GOP base, voters, elections, two-party trap, duopoly, pundits, punditry, propaganda
Who's Your Bully?
Date: 05/23/2012
Views: 10294
Keywords: White House situation room, drone planes, 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, bullying, hazing, Iran, sanctions, Burma, Myamnar, Cuba, North Korea, Zimbabwe, militarism
The Lesser of Two Evils
Date: 03/30/2012
Views: 12401
Keywords: 2012 presidential campaign, election, voting, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Democrats, Republicans, lesser-evilism, duopoly, two-party system, democracy, KKK, Ku Klux Klan, Nazi Party, Nazism, imperial wizard, klavern
Why Physics and Politics Don't Mix
Date: 03/13/2012
Views: 9420
Keywords: Mitt Romney, 2012 presidential campaign, charisma, Higgs Boson, particle physics, laboratory, scientists, science, physics, primaries, Republicans, GOP
That's Entertainment
Date: 02/24/2012
Views: 10435
Keywords: Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, MittBot, 2012 presidential campaign, Republican primaries, earth, environmentalism, man, dominionism, grass, trees, Transformers, earth-hater, Lego-Hair, Decepticon, Aspirin
The Bryants' Novel Divorce
Date: 02/21/2012
Views: 14636
Keywords: Kobe Bryant, divorce, Vanessa Bryant, financial divorce, marriage, lawyers, prenuptial agreement, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, 2012 presidential campaign, Afghanistan, Taliban, estrangement
One Man, One Vote
Date: 02/03/2012
Views: 8165
Newt Gets a Vote
Date: 01/29/2012
Views: 10447
Keywords: Mitt Romney, Tax Returns, Wealth, Class Warfare, Carried Interest Deduction, 2012 presidential campaign, High School, Sweetheart, Living Room, Computer, Form 1040, Cayman Islands, Slavery, Organs
Origins of the Amazing Mitt-Bot
Date: 01/31/2012
Views: 9237
Keywords: Alpha Centauri, Science Fiction, Mitt Romney, Invasion of Earth, Mitt-Bot, Cyborg, Infiltration, Terran Race, Vocalization, Granny Pants, Awkwardness, Newt Gingrich, 2012 Presidential Campaign