Keyword Album: professors
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 4 items
Now Let's Turn to Politics
Date: 01/30/2013
Views: 13627
Keywords: Politics, Democrats, Republicans, Democratic Party, Republican Party, elections, ideology, parties, right wing, right-wingers, professors, talk radio hosts, atheism, secular, socialist, patriotism, America haters, jingoism, news, media, propaganda
How To Tell If Your Teacher Is A Leftist
Date: 04/03/2012
Views: 16195
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, University of California, colleges and universities, U.C., professors, academics, intellectuals, red-baiting, leftism, teachers, gays and lesbians, conservatism, classroom, doll, gal, elbow patches, Ronald Reagan, Ernest
When Free Trade Strikes Back
Date: 04/04/1997
Views: 19821
Keywords: strike, french rail employees, unions, labor management relations, florida teachers, zaire, miners, japanese, civil servants, dutch, colege professors, labor unrest, global economy, mob, head on a stick, funeral
Content is Dead
Date: 04/24/1997
Views: 24530
Keywords: lawyer, jobs, doctors, hmos, factory, grad school, professors, cold war, engineering, actors, computer animation, music, record labels, spineless, cartooning, newspapers, cartoons, editorial cartooning, magazines, media