Keyword Album: corporation
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 188 items
Pay Different
Date: 06/03/2013
Views: 11114
Keywords: Tim Cook, Apple Computer, corporations, taxes, dodging, Washington, Hellfire, drones, war on terrorism, Army, CIA, envelope, Pakistan, federal taxes
Date: 04/25/2013
Views: 12915
Keywords: corporations, greed, outsourcing, free trade, WTO, NAFTA, labor pool, Holocaust, Auschwitz, death camp, Cambodia, Mexico, China, wages, labor management relations, job creator, hedge fund, workers, slave labor
Third Term
Date: 01/16/2013
Views: 15886
Keywords: Liberalism, progressives, 2012 presidential campaign, third term, Pres. Barack Obama, Bush tax cuts, homophobia, Chuck Hagel, Jacob Lew, homelessness, poverty, sellout, compromise, moderation, drone war, CEOs, corporations, WPA, jobs project, patriot act
Arizona Business Grab
Date: 11/20/2012
Views: 15725
Keywords: economic development, business, corporations, CEOs, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Arizona, Latinos, ID laws, illegal immigration, racism, nativism, airport, California
New and Improved
Date: 08/25/2012
Views: 11443
Keywords: 2012 presidential campaign, Barack Obama, pussy, wuss, wimpiness, corporations, banksters, meal, restaurant, dinner, wine, governance, conflict of interest, ethics
Blocking the Cigarette Tax
Date: 04/24/2012
Views: 9861
Profiteering in the Name of Environmentalism
Date: 04/25/2012
Views: 11260
Keywords: greenwashing, ecology, environmentalism, grocery stores, bags, plastic, cashier, tap water, restaurant, corporation, consumerism, lifestyle activism, towels, hotels, printed money, toxic inks, minting, currency, cash
Schiff's Choice
Date: 02/29/2012
Views: 8331
The System Makes Me Sick
Date: 02/16/2012
Views: 11124
Keywords: Supreme Court, Healthcare reform, Corrupt, Lawsuit, Obamacare, Evil private Corporations, Sick, System, Capitalism, Revolt, Revolution, Gouging, Molotov Cocktails