Keyword Album: p
Date: 01/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 5943 items
Budget Gap Times Two
Date: 05/15/2012
Views: 14358
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local cartoon, California, budget gap, deficits, Jerry Brown, Lotto, office pool, Honda, San Francisco mint, robbery, gay weddings, taxes, revenues, homophobia, commercials
And Yet
Date: 05/16/2012
Views: 10924
Keywords: unemployment, joblessness, recession, depression, jobs, David Axelrod, Oval Office, Barack Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, Election Day, relaxed, lazy, inaction
Death by Skype
Date: 05/14/2012
Views: 13077
Keywords: death, Afghanistan, war on terror, soldier, Skype, Pinterest, social networking, Internet, privacy, online, cancer, LinkedIn, unemployment, Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter, Facebook, heaven, afterlife, suicide, monetize
The Decider
Date: 05/11/2012
Views: 12263
Keywords: evolving, Barack Obama. Osama bin Laden, decisiveness, presidency, George W. Bush. golf, drone planes, missiles, assassinations, war on terror, TARP, bank bailouts, gay rights, gay marriage, deep breath
Chief Beck Makes Excuses
Date: 05/08/2012
Views: 11858
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, LAPD, police, shootings, Chief Charlie Beck, police commission, werewolf, car, monster, committee, investigation, police brutality
Fired Safety Regulators
Date: 05/04/2012
Views: 11680
Keywords: Sacramento Bee, local cartoon, injection drilling, Robert Taylor, Jerry Brown, California, Kern county, safety regulations, deregulations, Chevron, businessmen, corruption, bribery
Creative Job Destruction
Date: 05/07/2012
Views: 8367
Date: 05/09/2012
Views: 7919
Keywords: News, propaganda, drone strikes, suspected militants, World Trade Center, 9/11, September 11th attacks, New York, New Jersey, Al Jazeera, television, media, airstrike
The Forever War
Date: 05/04/2012
Views: 6943