Keyword Album: Obama
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 570 items
The Commander-in-Chief
Date: 06/13/2012
Views: 13764
Keywords: suicide, militarism, war, cabinet, Hillary Clinton, general, soldiers, troops, Iraq, Afghanistan, Barack Obama, president, Taliban, drone planes, drones, psychology, mental illness, tour of duty, burnout
Burn It Down
Date: 06/08/2012
Views: 7808
Keywords: 2012 presidential campaign, economy, recession, Obama, Romney, out of business, shop, store, retail, shoes, bastard
Bad Santa
Date: 06/11/2012
Views: 12143
Keywords: kill list, militarism, Santa Claus, hellfire missiles, predator drones, Sasha, Obama, war on terror, Afghanistan, Pakistan, school, Michele Obama, assassinations, extrajudicial murders
Me 4 Prez
Date: 06/05/2012
Views: 14907
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Obama, Romney, 2012 presidential campaign, California, political fundraising, contributions, presidency, elections, evictions, poverty, economy, recession
No Action
Date: 06/04/2012
Views: 6672
We Wish
Date: 06/01/2012
Views: 10201
Keywords: Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, cafe, socialist, radical, birther, Kenyan, Saul Alinsky, radicalism, leftism, liberal, progressive, caricature, racism, election, smear
Like Obama. But White.
Date: 05/28/2012
Views: 14279
Keywords: racial politics, Mitt Romney, SuperPACs, campaign advertising, Barack Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, foreclosures, banks, banksters, unemployment, joblessness, pissed off, race relations, racism, billboard, bunker
Moving Right
Date: 05/30/2012
Views: 12122
Keywords: Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, ideology, right-wing, right, swing voters, GOP base, voters, elections, two-party trap, duopoly, pundits, punditry, propaganda
Don't Ask, Don't Fire
Date: 05/20/2012
Views: 6475