Keyword Album: Xi
Date: 01/01/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 290 items
Slow Day at the Editorial Board
Date: 06/20/2012
Views: 11831
Keywords: newspapers, media, print media, headlines, Facebook, IPO, texting, text messaging, public safety messages, propaganda, pabulum, Internet, roses, existentialism, editors, publishers
Let Them Be Tax Refugees
Date: 05/25/2012
Views: 9556
Keywords: Eduardo Saverin, Facebook, IPO, tax refugee, taxes, cashos amigos, Mexico, illegal immigration, race relations, racism, folks, KKK, class war, fat, border patrol
Profiteering in the Name of Environmentalism
Date: 04/25/2012
Views: 10636
Keywords: greenwashing, ecology, environmentalism, grocery stores, bags, plastic, cashier, tap water, restaurant, corporation, consumerism, lifestyle activism, towels, hotels, printed money, toxic inks, minting, currency, cash
Disappointing News From El Norte
Date: 04/10/2012
Views: 12932
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, U.S. Border Patrol, migration, migrants, illegal immigation, Mexico, Central America, news media, TV, television, Televisa, unemployment, news, economy, recession, government, jack
What More Do You Need?
Date: 03/05/2012
Views: 6953
Keywords: Virginia, abortion, vaginal ultrasound, feminism, dildo, information, legislature, doctor, asses, sexism, oppression
More Communism, Republican Style
Date: 09/29/2011
Views: 10057
Keywords: Tom Cruise, Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Mulligan, Dialectical Materialism, Tip, Theory of Surplus Value, GOP, Republicans, Marxist Jargon, Class War, Roman Characteristics, Mao, Tea Party
Border Tunnel
Date: 08/30/2011
Views: 12025
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Drug Tunnel, Mexicali, California, Calexico, Unemployment, Border, Depression, Recession, Joblessness, Police
Moderate GOP
Date: 06/14/2011
Views: 16880
Keywords: California, Republican Party, Illegal Immigration, Mexican Scum, Polls, Demographics, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Taxes, Lipstick, Smile, Starbucks, Unions, Layoffs, Unemployment, Corporations
The Adventures of Tom Friedman, Boy Reporter
Date: 06/13/2011
Views: 9293
Keywords: middle east, columnist, op/ed, opinion writing, punditry, arab, palestine, thomas l. friedman, boy reporter, gift shop, mubarak, taxi driver, massage, masseur, four seasons, istanbul, luggage, tunis