Keyword Album: Constitution
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 46 items
Not Very Intrusive (If You're a Cop)
Date: 06/07/2013
Views: 8805
Keywords: police, law and order, Supreme Court, DNA swabbing, database, privacy rights, Fourth Amendment, searches and seizures, constitutional law, Alonzo Jay King, Maryland, cops
Previous Pakistani Lives
Date: 02/09/2013
Views: 10572
Keywords: Mohammed, drone pilot, hero drone commander, war on terrorism, Pakistani Army, drone memo, assassinations, Obama, leak, Majli, Islamabad, due process, law and order, constitutionality
At Least We're Consistent
Date: 12/08/2012
Views: 8392
Keywords: Mohammed Morsi, Egypt, Constitutional Crisis, U.S. foreign policy, Hosni Mubarak, Arab Spring, Embassy, State Department, dictator, constitution, revolution
Say Anything
Date: 07/11/2012
Views: 12013
Keywords: Obamacare, Affordable Care Act, healthcare reform, Republicans, GOP, talking points, propaganda, rhetoric, taxes, income tax, constitutionality, nationalize, gay marriage, gridlock
Diminished Expectations
Date: 07/02/2012
Views: 8273
Date: 08/10/2010
Views: 11794
Can't They See I'm Busy?
Date: 04/11/2011
Views: 8795
Keywords: congress, libya, war, war on terror, constitution, rubber stamp, consultation, war powers act, democracy, obama, military, general, joint resolution, fools, kadafi
Foreign Policy
Date: 04/01/2011
Views: 6959
Keywords: dictators, obama, revolution, foreign policy, middle east, ethics, values, strategic interests, constitution, enemy, good
Corporate Personhood
Date: 10/12/2009
Views: 12231
Keywords: Corporations, Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, Individuals, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Halliburton, Corporate Logo, Corporate Persons, Fees, Banks, Katrina, Torture, Execution, Vein, Ohio, Capital Punishment, Death Penalty