Syndicated Editorial Cartoon Archive
Date: 11/03/2008
Owner: Ted Rall
Size: 5213 items
Generic Tragicomment
Date: 08/13/2012
Views: 8483
Keywords: Sikh shooting, grief, Obama, tragedy, pap, pabulum, generic, flat, emotionless, senseless, public relations, statement, hearts go out, prayers, media, white house, oval office
Profiling the Mass Murderer
Date: 08/10/2012
Views: 10184
Keywords: drone attacks, Afghanistan, Obama, Pakistan, bombs, militarism, nationalism, jingoism, Sikh shooting, Temple, religion, murder, law and order, crime and punishment, suspect, terrorism
In the Future
Date: 08/09/2012
Views: 9013
Keywords: Iran, militarism, Mitt Romney, Israel, warmongering, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, war, environment, apocalypse, economy
Jared Diamond, Call Your Office
Date: 08/06/2012
Views: 9691
Keywords: Mitt Romney, 2012 presidential campaign, racism, Israel, Palestine, Middle East, occupation, blockade, trade embargo, income, poverty, human rights, Republicans, poor
The Bare Minimum
Date: 08/03/2012
Views: 7168
Massacre in Colorado: Bring on the Schmaltz
Date: 08/01/2012
Views: 11038
Keywords: Aurora, Colorado, movie theater, massacre, crime and punishment, law and order, shooting spree, insanity defense, mental illness, kitsch, grief, commodification, commercialization, Warner Bros., Batmobile, coffin, political reactions