Keyword Album: Program
Date: 01/05/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 57 items
Mohammed, Hero Drone Commander of the Pakistani Army
Date: 01/22/2013
Views: 9554
Keywords: Pakistan, drone program, tribal region, Pakistani Army, Mohammed, drone commander, hero, church, Ohio, Kentucky, Republican Party, some, China, medic, Louisville, wedding parties, Afghanistan, hypocrisy
Doomsday for a Well-Rested Man
Date: 12/20/2012
Views: 9235
Keywords: jobs program, underemployment, recession, unemployment, depression, Mayans, doomsday, apocalypse, end times, Mayan calendar, Obama, White House, Oval Office
The First Step
Date: 11/21/2012
Views: 12340
Keywords: GOP, Republican Party, election results, defeat, racism, bigotry, private club, whites, males, rich, 1%ers, Republican Club, AA, 12-step program, first step, homophobia, Latinos, illegal immigration, women's rights, feminism, sexism, Ronald Reagan
Pre-Old Blues
Date: 08/20/2012
Views: 9943
Keywords: Paul Ryan, budget, Social Security, Medicare, entitlement programs, social safety net, austerity, deficit, Mitt Romney, aging cream, drivers license, young, old, generational warfare, Dumpster
First They Came For My Junk
Date: 04/09/2012
Views: 13522
Keywords: U.S. Supreme Court, torture, human rights, Martin Niemoller quote, Holocaust, Jews, airport security, TSA, domestic wiretapping program, NSA, national security agency, CIA, FBI, spying, finger-rape, strip searches, strip-searches, body cavity searches, hu
No More Red Light Cameras
Date: 12/20/2011
Views: 7867
No More Red Light Cameras
Date: 08/08/2011
Views: 5496
Why No Jobs?
Date: 07/04/2011
Views: 9067
Keywords: unemployment, recession, joblessness, depression, obama, jobs, mandela, south africa, peru, milton friedman, elijah, tivo, stimulus program, war, eritrea
The End of the Affair
Date: 06/09/2011
Views: 7491
Keywords: space program, nasa, space shuttle, space exploration, Afghan wedding party, Afghanistan, bombing, opium, Museum, Air and Space, War on Terror, Planes, Space Capsule