Keyword Album: IDs
Date: 01/03/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 91 items
Escalation of Force
Date: 02/05/2013
Views: 9895
Keywords: Rules of engagement, military, militarism, war crimes, atrocities, Afghanistan, Samarkand, Mongols, Mongolia, Genghis Khan, Washington Post, op-ed column, escalation of force guidelines, pyramids, Alpha Centauri, lethal force, Iraq, war on terror, civilia
Lower the Ladder a Little
Date: 10/30/2012
Views: 14458
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Proposition 187, poll, illegal immigration, Latinos, racism, treehouse, nativism, ladder, native born, California, kids, children, club, KKK
True Debate Fun
Date: 10/24/2012
Views: 11917
Keywords: 2012 presidential race, presidential debates, Jeremy Epstein, college, jobs, unemployment, underemployment, recession, depression, economy, energy policy, crabs, boomerang kids, parentsm taxes, financial aid
Breaks for Maids
Date: 10/01/2012
Views: 12596
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Governor Jerry Brown, Gray Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pete Wilson, governors, autobiography, trouble, nannies, maids, domestics, sex scandal, California
Which Comes First
Date: 04/23/2012
Views: 9698
Keywords: police state, police brutality, strip-searching, U.S. Supreme Court, Georgia, temper tantrum, kindergarten, finger-rape, Antonin Scalia, cops, children, kids, civil rights, race relations
Newt Fights On
Date: 03/10/2012
Views: 9666
Keywords: Newt Gingrich, press conference, 2012 presidential campaign, Republican, GOP, Georgia primary, Super Tuesday, ugly, hideous, monster, unlikeable, repulsive, cacophobia, children, ugly kids, icky kids, president
Date: 01/10/2011
Views: 7711
Hemp Bombs
Date: 05/16/2011
Views: 11246
Keywords: hemp, pot, drugs, police, obama, militarism, war, bombs, arabs, general, stoner, pothead, marijuana, amino acids, legalization, high times, lava lamp, omega 3
Ronald Reagan Fun Facts
Date: 02/14/2011
Views: 10113
Keywords: Ronald Reagan, Fun Facts, Birthday, Anniversary, Small Government, Republicanism, Conservatism, Fetishism, Tea Party, Khadafi, crypt, Sarah Palin, Todd Palin, Reagan Mask, AIDS, HIV, Racism, Aw-Shucks Grin, Bonzo, Clownface