Keyword Album: Customs
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 15 items
Background Checks at the Womb
Date: 04/29/2013
Views: 11134
Keywords: self-radicalized Muslims, Fort Hood shooting, Boston Marathon bombing, birth, hospital, childbirth, ICE, OB-GYN, mother, mom, immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, border, checkpoint, Nidal Malik Hassan, kicking, trimester, vaginal introitus c
A Twisted Path to Citizenship
Date: 04/17/2013
Views: 7774
Keywords: immigration reform, illegal immigration, national anthem, Spanish, tummy, unemployment, jobs, ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, nativism, racism
So Much For Reform
Date: 01/09/2013
Views: 9630
Keywords: Pasadena Weekly, local cartoon, Crime and punishment, law and order, Mexico, immigration and customs enforcement, ICE, border control, gangs, counselor, deportation, reform, prison, jail, drugs
Open Borders
Date: 12/05/1996
Views: 10970
Keywords: Russian Vodka, Cuban Cigars, Customs, Imports, Drugs, Cambodian, Dutch, Mexican, CIA, Border Control, Narcotics, War on Drugs
Kick Back and Relax
Date: 02/22/2009
Views: 14508
Keywords: Vacation, Liberalism, Dem-cation, Beach, Customs, anti-Americanism, Travel, Democrats, Liberals, Left, Barack Obama, Take a break, Relax, Rest, Stretch Out, Apathy, Ribbing, Blog
The Golden Lamp
Date: 08/24/1993
Views: 3367